About us



UILDM Lazio Onlus is a non-governmental organisation that operates under UILDM Nazionale. The organization works to promote scientific research on causes of neuromuscular diseases and to promote all kinds of necessary initiatives that enable social inclusion of people affected by muscular dystrophy.


Moreover, UILDM Lazio work sto remove all material, social, economical, cultural and political barriers that limit total respect to human dignity and the right to independent living. Specifically, Sezione Laziale coordinates an accreditated Rehabilitation Centre that offers rehabilitation therapy services to both adults and children at its premises or at households.
Healthcare Area of the organisation also offers prevention and diagnostics services for neuromuscular diseases free of charge. UILDM proposes interventions that enables right to study, to access professional training and work and to develop independent living for people with disabilities.



RECEPTION – only in Italian
Tel. 06-6604881 Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 19.00
FAX 06-6638149